


What if $1 could change the lives of one billion people?

Some Perfect Tomorrow. Hope, love, and sparks of life in the midst of loss, grief, and death.

Craig R. Seaton’s heartwarming collection of true stories will forever change the way you look at others, and the way you look at yourself.

Even if you’ve never lost someone close to you.

100% of your donation is used to market and raise public awareness of this message of hope and personal empathy to people across the planet. 

What can you do?

Be the one in onebillionpeople!

Donate $1 or more.

All donations are used to market the book and its message.
Help with your natural and learned talents:

Finance. Marketing. Social Media. Distribution.

Mention it to the people you meet. Word of mouth is key for a true grass roots movement.
Smile whenever you see a Yellow Adirondack chair.

After you read your copy of Some Perfect Tomorrow, gift it to someone else.
You can truly help change the world.

One billion people will read or listen to Some Perfect Tomorrow.

You’ll be part of a grass roots movement which truly makes the world a better place.


Empathy can change the world.

Donate $1 or More

What is the onebillionpeople movement?

• The onebillionpeople movement began in Jacksonville, Florida USA in 2019. The Movement is making the world a better place by educating people about the shared benefit of personal empathy.

• This educational goal is achieved through the message of Some Perfect Tomorrow, a unique book about hope by Craig R. Seaton. True stories of love, loss, and life. The stories teach us to understand ourselves and others.

• Empathy is born. The world is changed.

 the onebillionpeople movement is organic. It thrives on the human touch.

• While the movement gains momentum online, natural growth also occurs through human contacts. For example: Craig’s golden oldies concerts for senior communities in his city; your circle of friends in your town.

• The symbol of the Movement is the Yellorondack chair. The bright yellow chair represents hope. A better world. A better you.

• How is the onebillionpeople movement funded? By kind-hearted individuals and organizations all over the world.

About Your Donation

All donations to the onebillionpeople movement are used to fund expenses associated with educating people all over the world about the benefit of personal empathy through educational materials. All donations are used to market the book, Some Perfect Tomorrow globally. The onebillionpeople movement is not a charitable organization.  Your donation may not be tax-deductible. We simply believe we can change the world with kinder people. It’s something worthwhile.

Tell us your story. Get Involved. Change your World.